Breath = Pneuma = Spirit = Ruach

My family has been under a bit of "Spirit Attack", over the last year in many various ways big and small.  It seems we press into faith and work hard to walk through the storm with grace and faith and another "Spirit Storm" comes around the bend.

Yesterday was another tipping point, a point when I hear my heart screaming "WHY???"  (at 4 am because I can't sleep).  "Lord, we are doing the work, we are doing the HARD things, the right things, why all the ATTACK?"

As soon as I finish thinking that thought, words spoken to me many times by a dear Spirit Warrior friend breeze over my heart : "The attack after the attack".....

When you are working hard and focusing on growing into who you were created to be, there is always an attack, a challenge testing your resolve and making you want to quit.  You may walk through an attack with faith and grace fluidly, and still you can be certain "The attack after the attack" is going to be fierce.  Like the afterschock of an earthquake; you have weathered the storm and then things are falling off the walls again before you have had a chance to recover.

In this fresh wind of perspective, I go over our recent attacks in my mind, mulling over them... I see them less daunting and hopeless.  I am confident, proud and content in the strength and integrity of our walk through our challenges. We may not be perfect, but our intentions are true and we are sure trying.

I recognize the many little "burning bushes" and spirit filled people I have encountered along my path recently, that I could have easily missed if I wasn't taking this moment of Selah (Hebrew: meaning to pause and reflect).

I reflect on yesterday when I am coaching my child through a panic attack, telling her to BREATHE, slow, deep breaths from the stomach, all the while devastated and infuriated that she too has to wrestle with anxiety and then it hits me like a huge burning bush: BREATHE! Pneuma(Greek)=Spirit=Ruach(Hebrew).
Rob Bell has a video in his Nooma series titled Breathe, that I watched years ago and he discusses this very thing and it had so moved me.

In my fuzzy blanket on the couch, at 4 am I google the video on youtube and sit in Spirit for 14 minutes listening to the video and breathing in and out slowly, Yode He Waw He (Hebrew: where Yahweh is derived from.) fueling myself with fresh wind and peace.  The most peace I have felt in a long time.
Breath and Spirit are the same word in the bible, in Greek it is pneuma, in Hebrew it is ruach (I imagine the Hebrew word in my head as sounding similar to Al Pacino saying the Marine battle cry OOORAAH!)
Watch Rob's video, it is awesome!
Breathe-Rob Bell

Maybe "The attack after the attack", is solidifying our growth, suturing the open wound, polishing our refinement in the abrasions and fires we've endured.  Maybe the spirit filled people I have had real & open conversations with this week is messages from above encouraging me to keep going, don't give up, there are many more people of grace than those who seek to harm.  Maybe the anxiety of it all can also be appreciated as a blessed opportunity to spend time in breath, spirit, pause; in reconnection of our true essence and being as breathed into us by the creator.

Maybe it is all as divinely orchestrated and as simple as breath.



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